After weeks of cooler weather and rain, the first Saturday of October was a surprisingly warm, sunny day – the perfect weather for a Neighbourhood Tree Giveaway with Convertus here in London!
This year’s event was the fourth year in a row that has sponsored and hosted a Tree Giveaway with . All Londoners were invited to stop by the Convertus head office on Commissioners Road West to select up to two free trees to bring home with them to plant on their property.
The event was very well attended, with several Londoners even lining up in advance of the 11 o’clock event start time to secure their trees. There were many different species to choose from, from silver and sugar maples, to the crowd-pleasing tulip trees and pagoda dogwoods, to pin and black cherry trees, and much more. Over the course of the day, over 100 trees found their way to new homes.
The Convertus team were in full swing helping Londoners select the perfect trees and carry them out to their cars, including Convertus CEO Michael Leopold, pictured below.
“Convertus is thrilled to partner with , as we share a common core value of creating a healthier, cleaner environment within the communities we live and operate in. Collectively, each small action builds toward a large impact, so every tree planted from our giveaway today will make a difference!”
- Annie, Business Development Director at Convertus
Creating a healthier, cleaner environment is central to Convertus’s mission. They are a full-service provider for the treatment and recycling of organic waste, striving to empower communities to divert organic waste from the landfill and give it a new life instead. In doing so, they help communities reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and preserve finite natural resources – both crucial factors in creating a more sustainable future.
Thank you, , for your extraordinary support, and for your continued dedication to making London cleaner and greener year after year!